Send a burst of all the best colors of autumn!  Fresh flowers delivered daily, order online today.
Teleflora's Enchanted Harvest Bouquet

Teleflora's Enchanted Harvest Bouquet
From $64.99
Glorious Morning Bouquet

Glorious Morning Bouquet
From $49.99
Morning Butterfly

Morning Butterfly
From $69.99

Teleflora's Precious Petals Bouquet
From $69.99
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We deliver flowers to all of Clinton County! We also deliver to Clinton Memorial Hospital and Wilmington College. We deliver flowers locally to : Reynolds Smith Funeral Home, Smith Funeral Home, Littleton Funeral Home, Brown Funeral Home, Fisher-Edgington Funeral Home, and Tufts Schildmeyer Funeral Home. In our local area, we deliver flowers to the following Ohio zip codes: 45107, 45113, 45114, 45138, 45146, 45148, 45159, 45164, 45169, and 45177.